
In addition to trapping and removing nuisance wildlife from your home or business, Wildlife Enterprises, LLC can also equip you to prevent the return of nuisance wildlife. In some cases, wildlife can cause property damage that leaves your home or business vulnerable to other animals. Maybe a skunk has burrowed under your porch, or a groundhog has taken up residence under your shed. We can help you to prevent more skunks, groundhogs, or any other nuisance wildlife by finding weak spots and repairing them. From adding wire and stone, replacing…

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The nuisance wildlife business is a little different from many other homeowner type services. For one, wildlife does not always cooperate. It is not like fixing a leaky sink. The sink is in the home, and it is not going anywhere. Wildlife issues do not work like that. Sometimes the nuisance wildlife operator is not even one hundred percent sure what animal is causing an issue. The homeowner does not always see the critter making the noise or digging up the yard. The wildlife professional must assess the situation and…

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Why use quality equipment? Cage traps come in all sizes and price ranges. We use cage traps for animals as small as flying squirrels up to much larger beavers. Purchasing and using a high-quality trap is important for several reasons. To begin with, you want the animal to be caught the first time it enters the trap. If the door mechanism does not shut properly and the target animal escapes, you have just educated that critter and made it very difficult to get it back in a cage trap. Secondly,…

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If you find wildlife in your home, you may be tempted to try and remove them yourself. It’s important to remember that, though some wild animals may look cute and cuddly, they pose several risks to your health, safety, and property. Below are 4 reasons why you should not attempt DIY wildlife removal. DIY wildlife removal can be dangerous One of the biggest risks in attempting to remove wild animals by yourself is the risk of physical injury. Wildlife can be dangerous, and attempting to remove them without proper training…

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Some nuisance wildlife take to hibernation when the weather grows colder, but others may seek shelter in your home or business. Below is a list of Pennsylvania animals that are more likely to move in during the winter. Mice and rats Both mice and rats are small rodents found all across Pennsylvania. Because they are so low on the food chain, they breed quickly and often. If some of these little guys slip in your house or office, it may be challenging to get them out. Mice and rats are…

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If you’ve run into a raccoon living in your garage or a mole digging through your garden, you may already know that wild animals can pop up when you least expect them. But if you’re a first-time homeowner or a business owner with a new property, you may not have experience with animal control problems. Why should you call a professional animal control service, like Wildlife Enterprises, LLC? Wildlife Can Be Dangerous The first (and probably most obvious) reason to call an animal control expert is that wild animals can…

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Wildlife Enterprises, LLC was called in to help with some mice in the attic of a local residence. The resident was not certain she had mice, but she had heard scratching noises and droppings were found. It is common for mice to enter homes as the weather grows colder. Dan placed a camera in the attic to confirm that the scratching was caused by mice. He also placed a variety of traps with bait around the attic to remove them. Birdseed and peanut butter can both work as effective bait…

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Recently Wildlife Enterprises, LLC was called in to help control the amount of pigeons hanging out around a local restaurant. The pigeons were leaving droppings under windows, around the entrance, and on the restaurant’s front sign. While flocks of pigeons can be hard to get rid of, there are measures you can take to discourage them from spending time in certain areas. Before When Dan got there, he found that the building’s previous owners attempted to add some pigeon control measures, but they were not successful. Strips of tape with…

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